Please sir, can I have some more…. WIRE COLORS?!?!
Wire. Awesome. You can make traps, spawn health giving hearts, or, as you can see in my above example, build a Bird Engine to spawn jellyfish, slimes, skeletons and goldfish so I can farm their drops and sell them for great profit!
But there’s a bit of an issue.
Now, here’s my problem. I really want to have the block for the birds and the spawner triggers be on separate switches. However, when the wires are too close, like within one block’s distance, they connect, fusing them together into the same circuit. Now, one thing that could operate differently would be to move the whole darn thing away from its current location. But, if you haven’t guessed, it was kind of a lot of work to get it to the point it is at now. All of my problems would be solved if they introduced a wire of a different color (blue, perhaps) that would work exactly the same as red wire but wouldn’t interact with red wire systems. That way, I could have intersecting point of wire that could trigger completely different operations.
I can’t craft a Cobalt Shield? WHY NOT??!!?!!!?
So… There’s this really great piece of equipment, right? It’s called the Cobalt Shield. It allows you to take damage without any knockback (for the lay-person, “Knockback” is when you are hit by something and you are pushed backwards by the hit). Now, that’s pretty awesome, mainly because it will allow you to keep your footing whilst in deep caverns, traversing lava filled areas, and when dealing with damaging floor tiles. Got it? OK!
My next point: There is a resource in the game, available after you enter Hard-Mode, called Cobalt. Cobalt is the lowest grade resource you can use for crafting weapons in Hard-Mode. So, naturally, it is quite abundant.
Here’s the rub, you can only find Cobalt Shields in treasure chests found in dungeons.
It is quite clearly listed as COBALT Shield. If I have a bunch of cobalt sitting around, I should be able to make a Cobalt Shield. It looks like it would require maybe a single bar of gold to make the cross on the front, but other than that, it should definitely be possible. Now, if the designers really wanted to create something we couldn’t put our greedy little hands on easily, they should rename the item. Call it an Azure Shield and no one would question it at all and they wouldn’t have to change the image for it. If not, it should be craftable.
Weapons for NPCs
I admit that, while making this list, I tried to avoid things that would alter the way the game itself plays. However, I find this particular issue to be a constant annoyance. Whenever there is some sort of attack on my NPC houses, all they can do is casually saunter off in a direction that will, hopefully, get them out of trouble. Usually, this ends in them finding their way into a pit that is located a little way to the right of the housing area that is quite difficult for them to get out of, forcing me to reload my game if I want them to be able to make it back to where they belong. Now, I’m not saying that they need to be able to wield Excalibur or anything, perhaps just a short sword, or better yet, NPC specific weapons. The Guide can use a bow and arrows, Arms Dealer uses guns, the Dryad uses the Thorn Chakram (maybe it doesn’t need to be this specific, but you get my point). In any case, it makes it so that Blood Moons aren’t quite as annoying when all of your NPCs die and you can’t get anyone to come back because “This housing is suitable”.
Weapon Racks
It is quite nice to have somewhere to display my old sets of armor but it would be great to have somewhere to show off all of the awesome weapons that I have collected in my time in this world that I have been exploring. Constructable weapon racks as furniture or hangers that can be placed on walls would fix this. The only issue I can see with this would be that the designers might need to make “Display Sprites” which would be sprites for each weapon in a display mode.
Gender Specific Death Messages
So, when you create a character, you can choose a gender. This will determine what sounds you make when you get hurt and how your clothing and armor looks. Is it too much to ask that your death messages become gender specific as well? I don’t much care to be addressed as an androgynous slab of meat in each and every death message I see. “___ fell to THEIR death.” “____ had THEIR innards become outards.” Sounds and looks are well and good, however, it would be really nice if the ridicule you receive from the game could at least recognize whether your character has a Y chromosome or not.
WHAT THE HELL DOES “This housing is suitable.” MEAN!??!
I have built a series of houses for my NPCs to live in. However, there is one very, very lonely house. When I try to assign my NPCs to that particular house, I get a message that says “This housing is suitable.” OK, so lets have someone live there, shall we? Oh, I can’t? Why? You said yourself that the place is suitable. So what are we getting hung up on here? This text obviously comes up when something is wrong with the place I’m trying to put someone, but it is so non-descriptive it might as well say “No”. Please address this issue in future updates.
The capability to make precious metal (gold, silver and copper) bars out of a large number of coins
This is something that occurred to me very early on in my experience with the game. For a very long time, I had no need, what-so-ever, for money. I never bought anything from the various merchants that would occupy the houses that I built, so I would amass a large amount of gold, silver, and copper coins. What I was hurting for, however, was resources. I was playing a MediumCore character, which meant that every single time that I died, I would lose all of my equipment. Having a misplaced step into a pit or a really relentless Eater of Souls deep into Corruption territory would make for at least a good half hour of equipment retrieval. However, I did have a LOT of money, if only there were some way to convert that into the material needed to craft new armor so I could get a leg up on getting my stuff back.
Angler fish should emit light
I don’t really know why they haven’t done this. They already have enemies that emit light (skeleton miners and nearly everything that comes from the hallowed). So why the heck doesn’t the one reality based enemy that actually has the capability to do so.
Corrupted and Hallowed enemies harm one another
This one may be difficult to program because you don’t want each and every mob to be hurting each other when they so much as bump into one another, but it really is an interesting thought. I can understand that neither one should ever treat you as an ally, but considering the vast differences in the looks of the creatures and their environments, it makes for an interesting visual.
My Additions/Changes
This is an ongoing list of things I feel should be added to Terraria in future updates. Sorry if it’s not all that interesting, but I just needed somewhere to collect my thoughts.